Ozzy O
"Ozzy O" is the portrait of a professional comedian. Since 1993 my father, Georg Göbel-Jakobi, has been a member of the comedy group 'Herbert Knebels Affentheater' and plays the character of the Ruhrpott proletarian 'Ozzy Ostermann'. During his long career as a stage comedian, a number of objects have accumulated behind the scenes, each of which is part of a unique story. The view into the prop boxes and the photographic focus on the details do not only ask for the essence of the comedy profession, but also for a certain attitude towards life that belongs to it. By examining the 'ingredients' necessary for the comedy profession, "Ozzy O" is also a general tribute to a humorous approach to life.
Ozzy O
"Ozzy O" is the portrait of a professional comedian. Since 1993 my father, Georg Göbel-Jakobi, has been a member of the comedy group 'Herbert Knebels Affentheater' and plays the character of the Ruhrpott proletarian 'Ozzy Ostermann'. During his long career as a stage comedian, a number of objects have accumulated behind the scenes, each of which is part of a unique story. The view into the prop boxes and the photographic focus on the details do not only ask for the essence of the comedy profession, but also for a certain attitude towards life that belongs to it. By examining the 'ingredients' necessary for the comedy profession, "Ozzy O" is also a general tribute to a humorous approach to life.